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New Citation Feature Now Available

Citations can now be easily generated for individual entries. In addition to choosing various citation styles, references can also be downloaded in different formats.
The currently available citation styles are:
  • American Psychological Association (APA), 7th Edition
  • Modern Language Association of America (MLA), 9th Edition
  • The Chicago Manual of Style, 18th Edition
  • China National Standard GB/T 7714-2015
The following file formats are available for download:
  • BibTeX
  • EndNote
  • RIS (Research Information System Format)
After downloading, these can be imported into citation software like Endnote or Citavi, automatically adding them to your bibliography.

Official Launch & Introduction of the 《漢語大詞典》(第一版+訂補)

The Chinese Dictionary Compendium was officially introduced and launched in September 2024 along with the new digital edition of the Hanyu Da Cidian 漢語大詞典.
The Hanyu Da Cidian (Diyiban+Dingbu) 《漢語大詞典》(第一版+訂補) is based on carefully reset digital print data, which impresses with its data quality and reliability as a scientific source as well as resource of the Chinese language. In addition, the Hanyu Da Cidian (Diyiban+Dingbu) includes substantial revisions and expansions, and for the first time, a complete and systematic indication of the Pinyin pronunciation for compound words. Great importance was placed on thoughtful structuring and high clarity of the content during the data processing of this digital edition of Hanyu Da Cidian. Explanations, sub-meanings, quotations, and even historical comments are meticulously broken down and easily distinguishable. Alongside the Hanyu Da Cidian (Diyiban+Dingbu) 漢語大詞典(第一版+訂補), the Compendium includes, among others, a digital edition of the Kangxi Zidian (Biaodian Zhengliben) 康熙字典(標點整理本), the Xiandai Hanyu Da Cidian 现代汉语大词典 or the Zhongguo Gujin Diming Da Cidan 中国古今地名大词典, and complete series such as the Jingdian Hanyu Gongjushu Daxi 经典汉语工具书大系.

Furthermore, by the end of 2025, the Chinese Dictionary Compendium will undergo a significant expansion of its resources with nearly 100 additional volumes. In addition to all 38 volumes of Da Cihai 大辭海, the integration of further reference works such as Chengyu Cihai 成語辭海, Jinxiandai Hanyu Ciyuan 近现代汉语辞源, Zhongyao Da Cidian 中药大辞典, and bilingual dictionaries like Han-Ying Da Cidian 汉英大词典 and Ying-Han Da Cidian 英汉大词典 is planned. Press Release of the Shanghai Cishu Chubanshe